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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. X

    Using the Bolt to Power Your Home (V2Grid) or (V2Home)

    For uploading power to the grid to make economic sense (ignoring battery wear and tear) you would need to charge for free or at heavily-subsidized pricing. Would you be saving any money by putting your Bolt on the grid?
  2. X


    Our 2019 Premier Bolt has been very reliable, except for... the console screen not waking up sometimes when starting car (then doing so 4 min later), a grinding noise (like parking brake applied in motion) when unlocking and opening a door, and a failed tire pressure sensor. It's got 40+K on it...
  3. X

    How Much I Paid for My Bolt

    I know, I know. But I've never liked Quirk and it's a pain to drive to Braintree. I am very happy with my dealer 3 miles away. In the first month I went in for a tire pressure issue 3 times and was grateful for the short trip. I know I can use any Chevy dealer's service but I feel I get treated...
  4. X

    Two questions?

    Thanks very much for that tip, SeanNelson. Does the owner's manual advise that you can connect Chevy's charger to 240V outlets with an adapter? If not, how did you learn this?
  5. X

    Chevy Bolt Owners Manual shortcomings

    Before I got my 2019 Bolt I downloaded the owner's manual. The first thing I looked for was a set of specifications for the car, usually an appendix in most manuals. Nada. Zip. I had to rummage through its 361 pages to find simple facts about the car. When, for instance, I wanted to find the...
  6. X

    How Much I Paid for My Bolt

    Bought ours outright because we were saving for a house that didn't happen. Thought about leasing, but monthly charge was pretty steep and we wanted to collect the US & State incentives. I know EVs depreciate fast and can be hard to sell, but we intend to keep it until the warranty expires...