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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. R

    Thank You For A Nice Tech Feature On This Forum

    People have the duty to act kindly towards others, but we are all responsible for our own well-being. That means having a thick skin, and not letting randos on the internet manipulate our emotions. As annoying as some people are, I've not blocked anyone before. Even annoying people can have...
  2. R

    Chevy replacing bad batteries

    The point where my car is no longer new is the second I buy it, since I always buy used. I just don't get much additional satisfaction owning new vs used. ... and I'll point out that from everyone else's perspective, your car was no longer new the second you drove it off the lot.
  3. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    Not only is this sentence an ad hominem logical fallacy (I never said I was an anarchist), it isn't even factually true (you can argue with an anarchist). A person involved in an accident isn't automatically the guilty party if they are found to have been in N at the time of the incident (what...
  4. R

    miles due to regeneration

    The conversion process is; kinetic > electrical > chemical > electrical >kinetic. Perhaps the first part of converting kinetic energy into chemical is above 50% efficient, but completing the conversion back into useful kinetic energy doubles the losses. 50% is likely a reasonable estimate...
  5. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    You're starting to get it! Coasting in N is unsafe like walking outside is unsafe. Of course, safety (or inversely unsafety) is relative. I'm thousands of times more unsafe riding my motorcycle than coasting in N. Perhaps coasting in N is as unsafe as failing to signal a lane change. Why then...
  6. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    You tell me, since you're the one proclaiming the extreme dangers of a neutral car, which is almost an oxymoron. Good luck ever finding a case in which someone had to explain the use of N to a judge. Now how about failure to signal? I suppose "I'm Californian" might pass as a condition with...
  7. R

    Elevation Effect

    No, I said precisely "Flat uninterrupted highway travel doesn't matter if you use D or L modes, since braking will never occur. " Nowhere did I mention coasting. Don't you own the Bolt? You coast by feathering the throttle so it is neither powering the motor, or regenerating from it. Either...
  8. R

    Elevation Effect

    I hope you can appreciate the irony here when you accuse me of something I didn't do, and then proceed to do exactly the thing you accuse me of (red herring). Nowhere did I claim you were drafting trucks. Further, I never rebutted your claim of being able to regenerate down a steep hill. Now...
  9. R

    Elevation Effect

    Sure, you get more regenerated range by going slower because less of the energy is being wasted as aerodynamic drag. You would waste less time and have more range by slightly lowering your overall top speed on the flat sections, and increase your speed down the Grapevine. Again, the reason for...
  10. R

    Elevation Effect

    I'm not sure what the argument is, but a few comments. Motors are generators, and generators are motors. The difference only being if kinetic energy is being converted to electricity (generator), or electricity is being converted into kinetic energy (motor). Magnetic fields induce electricity...
  11. R

    Elevation Effect

    I have to admit I skimmed your post and went off the thread title. Yes, elevation change will affect range due to the electrical energy required to bring a mass (car) to a higher potential energy (elevation). In petrol powered vehicles, medium grade hills are more efficient than flat driving...
  12. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    Most newer cars don't allow shifting into reverse when traveling forward beyond a certain safe speed. Yes, yes, and people shall not exceed the maximum posted speed limit, and they shall signal at every lane change and turn. Turn signals in CA are rare as hen's teeth.
  13. R

    CA--OR Road Trip

    Others have reported that PlugShare doesn't show some CCS stations, so I doubt you're doing anything wrong. They just need to update with current information. They should make the app like Gassbuddy so that users can update new stations, pricing, etc.
  14. R

    Elevation Effect

    The decrease in aerodynamic drag can be significant and measurable with elevation. At 10,000 ft, air density is about 70% of sea level. At highway speeds, aerodynamic drag consumes the most energy, so reducing it by 30% would be huge. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get 15% better range at...
  15. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    I should use emoticons to defuse perceived anger in my blunt/dry style of writing. :) The way in which I framed my response was a very subtle side-joke/comment underlying our discussion of danger to human life vs anti-choice. ;) Since we were having a straw man competition, I didn't want...
  16. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    It was an attempt at humor. It's from the movie The Princess Bride. This is what I mean by "not what you think it means". A straw man argument isn't talking about a feature that doesn't exist. Rather, it is an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to...
  17. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  18. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    A Google search doesn't show total admonishment because there are plenty of results that turn up saying it's fine. What you have failed to do is provide even a single case where an accident was caused by neutral. ... and you aren't advocating that people drive as they wish, as you have...
  19. R

    Charging for long distance travel

    No fast charger exists that can bring the car from empty to full in 60 minutes, let alone 30. Not all fast chargers are the same, with some having higher charging limits, and others having a lower limit. It appears that people are getting a 42 kW charge rate until hitting close to 70% state of...
  20. R

    Too much regen in D mode

    Not a single person has advocated dangerous driving behavior, except for one person with a hypothetical scenario of riding the brakes while coming down the grapevine, which I'm sure the Bolt can safely accomplish, even if it is hard on the brakes. Every Golf EV comes with a true coast mode...