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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. R

    The Death of my Range Anxiety

    I am also very happy with the range of the Bolt. One of the best things about it is that virtually every time I leave the house, I have a full "tank." I don't think this attribute is emphasized enough. I drive it quite a bit, but often don't get below 3/4 full. I use a 220V juicebox (with...
  2. R

    Range Issues?

    GM tech rep replaced a brake caliper that was not retracting fully. Problem solved! Indicated range is trending higher, but not a huge difference. Anyway, a dragging brake is something to check for.
  3. R

    Range Issues?

    Bolt has been at the dealership for a week now. GM tech people believe that a new parking brake actuator will fix the problem, but we'll find out this week. I wish they would just replace the whole brake assembly on that wheel and be done with it, but the dealership says GM wants all sorts of...
  4. R

    Range Issues?

    Check to see if you have heat coming from the rear brakes. My Bolt EV is at the dealership now for heat coming from the left rear wheel. They diagnosed it to the parking brake dragging and causing the heat and excess wear. I am certain it has significantly impacted my range as well. Even...