Local utilities providing home charging stations?

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2017
My local utility has a pilot program to provide a free charging station with installation. They've selected the Siemens charging station. It will be connected to the homeowners WiFi and report back directly to the utility. Their goal is to gather data on EV frequency and volume of use.

Anyone else have a similar program?

jack vines
Took a couple of months, but the electrical subcontractor made an appointment, came on schedule, installed a Siemens Versicharg SG with wireless network, programmed it and was gone in three hours.

Seems to function as it should. The only function I have to research is how to disable the e-mail function. As installed, Greenlots Network, the partner with our utility, sends me an e-mail every time the car is topped off, unplugged or otherwise doing nothing special.

Update - the charging station is in a detached garage approx 75' from the internet router. The installer added a booster in the closest wall duplex outlet to the router. He had difficulties but finally got it to sync with the charging station. Since, I've gotten three e-mails from Greenlots the first saying they had lost contact and asking for a reboot by switching off the breaker. The second said "Success." The third said gone again and asked for a description of the charging station indicator lights.

jack vines