Has there been an update to Apple CarPlay in the States?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2017

This says you can now use Apple Pay and see your IPhone display mirrored on you CarPlay screen!
Ya...I just read the article and didn’t watch the video. One problem it’s CarPlay not ApplePlay. Two it doesn’t mirror your iPhone. It will play your music, let you make phone calls and runs the AppleMaps (I want google maps...Apple maps isn’t nearly as informative). None of this is “mirroring” the iPhone to the dash. Makes it sound like you can view your iPhone screen on the cars screen.
The article is quoting the television news reporter from the local television channel shown in the video. Her facts are a bit askew.

Apparently Android CarPlay is a bit more advanced that Apple CarPlay because Android will take advantage of more Google apps than Apple will; as you have discovered with Google maps and Waze.

Having an iPhone, I have to accept Apple maps for now, which, seems to work well for me, considering that it does consider actual traffic patterns. I do wish I could use Waze however.
EddrivesEV said:
Apparently Android CarPlay is a bit more advanced that Apple CarPlay because Android will take advantage of more Google apps than Apple will; as you have discovered with Google maps and Waze.
It's not really that Android Auto "takes advantage" of more apps, it would be more accurate to say that more Android app developers are willing to spend the time to update their apps to be compatible with Android Auto.
Car Play can be wacky at times with the iPhone. If you start the car then plug in phone it can go haywire and not work until you shut down car then GET OUT OF THE CAR AND SHUT DOWN iPHONE. If you don’t have an OnStar WiFi it will still detect the cars WiFi and cross things up but I found over time that using the button on the steering wheel will make it work all the time.
Drove home in new Bolt Premiere with the 2 option packages day before Thanksgiving . Was able to use nav apps Waze, Google maps, and Apple maps with directions visible and audio guidance. At one point had Apple CarPlay on, chose maps, hit Waze app button on my old 5s iPhone and got Apple map video guidance and both Apple maps and Waze audio guidance (sometimes simultaneously) through Bolt sound system.Haven’t had time yet to fool around with it, but apparently you can get sound and video directions in main Bolt info screen and sound system. Just assumed this is how CarPlay is supposed to work and that’s why no separate Nav system option offered like in my 2014 Volt, which I traded in. Garmin, you’re history....
Are there any CarPlay apps that are not music or podcast or audio book related? (Other than maps)

I’d love a notepad, calculator, calendar, spredsheet to track trips, etc. on the bolt screen.
gpsman said:
I’d love a notepad, calculator, calendar, spredsheet to track trips, etc. on the bolt screen.
The whole rationale of these car projection systems is that apps be dead simple so as not to distract from driving - so I strongly doubt your'e going to see a spreadsheet any time soon.

I'd love for Android Auto to support sending the phone's normal screen, complete with all of it's regular apps, to the car display when the vehicle is stopped, or even when it's in "Park". That would be a lot easier than having to unplug the phone and yank it out of its pocket when I want to do something like check an e-mail.

My old car had an aftermarket head unit that ran off Windows CE. I could add whatever I wanted. There was an optional speed sensor that could/would disable features when speed was over 1 mph.

I liked that I could keep track of gallons pumped and dollars spent while parked at gas starions. I think I had that head unit before I had a smart phone!

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